<кисломолочный продукт, "Нарине", лактобактерии, Л.А.Ерзинкян, детское питание, высокая фенолоустойчивость, золотистый стафилококк, дизентерия, вульгарные поносы, диарея, сальмонеллез, йерсинноз, брюшной тиф,патенты и изобретения, авторское свидетельство, probiotics; lactic acid bacteria; fermented milk products,Armenian scientist, acid milk,"Narine", lactobasillus,Levon Erzinkyan> Tweet

Everlasting memory


Today marks the 29th anniversary of the death of the great Armenian scientist, microbiologist, one of the leading experts in the field of microbiology of milk and dairy products, Professor Levon  Erzinkyan (1906-1991). It was said about him that he was ahead of the era with his research and inventions. The renowned Microbiologist, known for his invention of the unique probiotic strain of Lactobacillus Acidophilus Er. 317/402, and he named it after his granddaughter, NARINE.

Levon Erzinkyan is a founder of the technical microbiology in Armenia. He is the first in the world, in Armenia and in the former USSR, who discovered the probiotisc era and their successful application in medicine in order to treatment a great many diseases in 30-40s of the XX century.

 L. Erzinkyan is the author of over 200 published papers, 4 books published, one in manuscript, 18 copyright certificates USSR, 15 rationalization proposals and over 10  recommendations for the use of new varieties of lactic acid bacteria in medicine. The names of Levon Erzinkyan and his wife Farandzem Sarukhanyan associated formation and development in the Armenian general, agricultural and technical microbiology.


Связь между центральной нервной системой и микробиотой кишечника в последние годы вызывает значительный интерес.


Вспомним профессора Левона Ерзинкяна!

Вечная тебе память, армянский доктор Айболит!

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Потенциальная положительная роль пробиотиков для пациентов с COVID-19: развивающаяся перспектива (eng)

L. Santacroce, F. Inchingolo, S.Topi, R. Del Prete, M.Di Cosola,  I. Alexandros Charitos, M. Montagnani

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 Наринэ-лечебно-диетический кисломолочный продукт